Saturday, August 31, 2013

Just Woke Up

What's with the weird loading!  Sending me more dumb messages?  What's a matta with you?

I forget my dream, now, annoying.  I thought I woke up and heard faintly like a soft knock pounding, but I couldn't tell since I was mostly asleep.  Then, I heard my dad say in a cool, sorta twisting voice @ death, "Hey, I'm 1st!"  Like, he'd die before me.  Not sure, on TV noticed people talking @ meds how psychiatric medicine actually makes you die sooner if you're older.  At least a popular 1, which is called Risperdal.  Most people take it.  However, they are all only up to like these days whatever it looks like middle age, like 50.

I didn't know @ what I was hearing, mainly some grumble was real, though the washing and drying machines weren't on, a knock like someone was gonna come in, some like ghost of a kid girl with longer curly blonde hair.

Why do I keep getting insulting messages on how things load when I use the computer!